Microsoft Azure – Future technology in cloud-based IT

microsoft azure indonesia

Cloud services are currently one of the most useful and flexible IT innovations for companies. Microsoft Azure is one of the top choices for companies for corporate analysis purposes.

Not only that, Microsoft Azure can also be used as storage for thousands of files and is the main weapon of corporate data security.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure or which was originally used as a public cloud computing platform owned by Microsoft company.

Providing various cloud facilities, such as computing, analysis tools, data storage space, to networking.

Application users are able to decide whether to develop and scale new applications, or to mobilize applications available in the public cloud from Microsoft Azure.

This platform aims to support efforts to manage challenges and fulfill company organizational objects. 

Therefore, this application offers a variety of tools that support the interests of all industrial sectors, such as e-commerce, finance, to various Fortune 500 companies.

No less interesting, the tools and facilities offered are compatible with all types of open source technologies. 

This advantage gives users the flexibility to use the company’s preferred tools and technology. 

In addition, Microsoft Azure offers four different forms of cloud computing, from infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), to serverless facilities.

Microsoft charges fees for utilizing Azure on a pay-as-you-go basis, meaning customers will only receive bills for certain resources the company already uses.

Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure

As I have explained, the reason why many companies are interested in it is because of the quality and also the usefulness of the various facilities it offers.

Not only that, the price of the services offered is also a consideration to be the best public cloud service offering on the market.

Then what are the uses that the company can get by enabling this one application. Here is an explanation.

Implement data backup and recovery plan after crisis

Microsoft Azure is one of the best applications for data backup and post-crisis recovery.

Sufficiently flexible in planning advanced site restoration with the available integrated systems.

As a cloud-based solution it can back up corporate data to almost any language in the world, whether on any OS type and from any location.

And also on the company side can determine the frequency and schedule for backing up company data. This capability does not include cloud service as a whole.

Capable of hosting and developing web and mobile applications

One of the things that Microsoft Azure is interested in is by developers. Provides solutions for companies that are tracking platforms for hosting, developing, or managing websites or mobile applications.

Microsoft Azure can be the application of choice for developers to be an autonomous and adaptive tool with patch management, AutoScale, and integrated systems.

By utilizing the automatic patch management on each virtual machine, companies can save money while managing infrastructure and companies can focus more on developing corporate applications.

Comes with a deployment support system, creating a means by which developers can simplify the code updating system.

Innovating with industrial IoT solutions

The next function of Microsoft Azure is that companies can innovate with the IoT industry.

Analysts can connect corporate devices to the cloud using a solution that is integrated with the existing infrastructure.


After that, the analyst may collect new data regarding companies.

In the Azure IoT Hub system, analysts can monitor and manage various devices simultaneously, and also know what is happening to help developers for their needs to spur better business development.

The next service is that it can improve the quality of the user experience from reducing system complexity, saving costs, and can speed up the development process.

Broadly speaking, Microsoft Azure is the best solution for companies in their enterprise data analysis and development needs.

With a variety of services and tools available, it can be trusted as the future for all public cloud services.

Microsoft Azure services for your business continuity

Increase Scalability

For the needs of business development, companies certainly need an innovative, flexible technology to be able to keep up with business changes for the next one or more years.

To anticipate shopping for servers and various equipment to anticipate future developments.

You can use Microsoft Azure to use the “Pay As You Use” system to save initial expenses so that you spend only a number of uses.

This will allow companies to scale changes more flexibly and more maturely.

Definite compliance

Microsoft Azure has a virtual machine feature that complies with legal regulatory standards, which companies and other large industries use the cloud to advance their company.

Reduce costs significantly

Can minimize spending on hardware infrastructure (on-premise) significantly, especially to anticipate long-term expenses that go along with the development of the company.

Microsoft Azure provides a very capable Cloud Disaster Recovery & Backup service to handle various data backup needs more optimally.  

Top security for your business

Microsoft has also tested various datacenters which have proven reliable data security. 

Microsoft Azure has the ability to provide cloud-based IT infrastructure services that are optimal for your company, because the security controls and SLA are quite tight, which is up to 99.95%, or the equivalent of a maximum downtime of 22 minutes a month.

For those of you who wish to adopt this service, you can contact NETDATA so that you can get the best solution for the development of your business.


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