Here’s a Full Explanation About the Stands of TCP/IP

Here's a Full Explanation About the Stands of TCP IP

The presence of internet technology makes it very easy for humans to get information quickly. There is a lot of knowledge about the internet network that may not be known by many people, one of which stands for TCP/IP.

In this article, we will focus more on what TCP/IP stands for, its functions, and how the following TCP/IP works:

Stands of TCP/IP

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, while IP stands for Internet Protocol.

Understanding Stands of TCP/IP

Dari kepanjangan TCP/IP memiliki pengertian yakni protokol dalam konektivitas dan komunikasi data.

TCP/IP merupakan perangkat lunak dari jaringan/networking software yang terdapat pada sistem dan  digunakan untuk saling bertukar data di internet atau jaringan lokal yang terhubung ke internet.

TCP/IP Characteristics

In addition to the abbreviation of TCP / IP we also need to know the characteristics of TCP / IP, among others:

This TCP/IP protocol can stand alone without having to be attached to any network device. TCP/IP can also run in virtual mode via physical data exchange media, ethernet, and dial up channels.

The TCP/IP protocol suite is a free standard protocol that can be developed from computer hardware. Therefore various vendors can develop this protocol to be installed on their hardware and software.

Although different vendors of TCP/IP protocols can still communicate in data transmission on local networks and the internet.

IP Format

Each IP address is part of the host and part of a network that has a different format.

To be able to identify the IP address network using the address bit, this bit number is used to identify each host and IP address on the network.

IP addresses have three main classes, namely class A, B, C with an explanation of each class as follows:

Class A Network

Class A networks are marked with the first 0 bits of the IP address. Then the next seven bits are the network identity and the last 24 bits are the host identity. A class A network consists of 128 network numbers and millions of hosts.

Class B Jaringan Network

Class B networks have a sign with the first two bits in the IP address, which is the number 10. The first bit is the class, the next 24 bits are the identity of the network address, and the next 10 bits are the hosts. For a class B network has thousands of network numbers and thousands of hosts.

Class C Network

Class C networks are marked with the first three bits, namely the number 110. The first three bits are the class address, the next 21 bits indicate the network address, and the next 8 bits are the hosts. For a class C network there are millions of network numbers and 254 hosts.

Functions and Explanations of Each TCP/IP Layer

We have discussed the abbreviation of TCP/IP and its characteristics, then we will discuss the function of each layer or layers of TCP / IP below:

  1. TCP/IP can transmit encrypted data.
  2. Can perform remote login services on computers remotely.
  3. Have a mailing service or send and receive messages.
  4. Perform network file system features or share data as if in one computer.
  5. Can perform remote execution, which can execute applications on other computers on a network.
  6. Nameservers feature.

TCP/IP Functions

The function of TCP / IP is different at each layer or layers which will be explained below:

Application Layer

The most basic layer is the application layer of TCP / IP, this layer is closest to the user. If this layer is analogous to an application that we can use when using a computer.

At this layer the application that is run can influence the type of advanced protocol that will be used next.

For example, if we open a web browser application, the TCP/IP protocol will automatically open the HTTP protocol. However, when you transmit data, you will use the FTP or File Transfer Protocol protocol.

Transport Layer

Next we will discuss the transport layer which has the task of bridging the transfer of data between computers.

This layer is above one level with the application layer. This layer consists of two protocols namely UDP and TCP.

Network Layer

Next is the network layer, this layer is responsible for converting the transport layer into IP addresses that will be used on network computers.

At the network layer, data is broken so that it can pass through the available bandwidth. After the data is broken, it will be wrapped which is called the encapsulation process before being sent to the destination address.

Network Interface Layer

This network interface layer is the last layer of the TCP / IP protocol, this layer has direct contact with computer hardware.

With a special data transmission method, computers are able to send data packets at the network layer via copper or fiber optic cable media or wirelessly or wirelessly.

How TCP/IP Works

For how TCP / IP works, it can be seen from how it operates, here is an explanation of how TCP/IP works:

The first is that the data will be broken into several small parts, the purpose of splitting the data into small parts is to be able to transmit through the right and appropriate media or protocol. And also each data packet will be marked with an ink packet according to the destination address.

Data packets that have been broken will then go through a router to be sent via the internet. This router is in charge of delivering data packets to the destination address.

When the data packet has arrived at its destination, the data packet is processed in TCP / IP through several layers that we discussed earlier.


So the conclusion of this article about the stands for TCP/IP is the Transmission Control Protocol which is a standard protocol in charge of connecting communication between computers.

Transmission Control Protocol can send data according to the labels that have been created previously. Then the data packets that have been labeled will be sent via delivery media via the internet or local networks.

You can learn more about TCP/IP on the NetData website at Netdata provides managed services related to the installation of corporate networks to the maintenance of existing networks.



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