In the application of increasingly sophisticated technology, it must be balanced with people who understand better digital literacy too. The application of this digital literacy will make Indonesian people wiser in using and accessing technology.
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In the field of technology, especially in information and communication technology, digital literacy is closely related to its users. Then the ability to use technology as wisely as possible in order to create positive interaction and communication.
Table of Contents
What Is Digital Literacy
According to Devri Suherdi in his book entitled The Role of Digital Literacy 2021, digital literacy is the knowledge and skills of users in using digital media such as communication tools, internet networks and other technologies.
User proficiency in digital literacy includes various abilities to find, work on, use, research, evaluate, and make and use intelligently, wisely, accurately, and precisely for its use.
Basic Principles of Digital Literacy
Quoted from Yudha Pradana’s Attribution of Digital Citizenship in Digital Literacy (2018), digital literacy has four basic principles, including:
Understanding is where the public has the ability to understand the information obtained by the media, either implicitly or explicitly.
mutual dependence
Information can be obtained in more than one media that are interconnected and dependent. The media will also coexist and complement each other.
social factors
The media will provide information or messages to the public. Where the media has a good level of success will depend on the sharer and recipient of the information.
In which the public has the ability to access, understand, and store information that is read at a later date. This curation has the ability to cooperate in finding, collecting and organizing information that is considered useful.
Benefits of Digital Literacy
Quoted from the Benefits of Digital Literacy for society and the Education Sector during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic by Eti Sumiati and Wijonarko, that digital literacy has many benefits for society, including:
- Can improve individual ability to be more critical thinking and understand information.
- Can add individual insight.
- Provide additional individual vocabulary from the information read.
- Improve individual verbal.
- Literacy acquired increases individual focus and concentration.
- Can add individual abilities in reading, stringing sentences in writing information.
Komponen Literasi digital
Adapun beberapa komponen literasi digital yang perlu dipahami sebagai berikut:
1. Social Networking
Every individual, especially young people now, must already have more than one social media account, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and so on.
Obtaining information from social media must also be selected beforehand. However, not everyone is detailed in their efforts to filter out the scattered information.
The skill to function the features contained in a social media application is a basic knowledge that must be possessed by its users.
For example, those working in academia are increasingly using the tangible social medium of LinkedIn to support their relationships with scholars around the world. Then, those who work in the marketing field, use the stall or shop feature on the Instagram platform to promote their products.
2. Transliteracy
The transliteracy component is an attempt to utilize various platforms in creating content, sharing it and communicating with it. This component prioritizes communication skills with various social media, discussion groups, and other online services.
3. Maintaining Privacy
As social media users, they must have digital literacy to be able to be self-aware of cyber crimes. This cyber crime can see illegal activities that use computers, digital devices or computer networks.
For example, personal data theft through hacking social media accounts, online banking data theft, and so on.
4. Managing Digital Identity
The component of managing digital identity relates to how platform users use identity appropriately in the various social media they have.
5. Creating Content
Skills in using platforms to create or create content, for example on blogspot, PowToon, WordPress, and so on.
6. Organising and Sharing Content
Relating to how users organize and share information content so that it can be more easily disseminated to other users. For example in the use of social media and social bookmarking which is considered to facilitate the process of disseminating information and can be accessed by other internet users.
7. Reusing/ Repurposing Content
The main objective of reusing content is how platform users can re-process existing content so that it can be reused as needed.
For example, a teacher produces content regarding Indonesian subjects with lecture text material. The content is then uploaded on the Slideshare platform, with the aim that many people will download and learn it.
After that, the next content is ‘processed’ again by other people by adding new, more complete information or knowledge.
8. Filtering and Selecting Content
Filtering and selecting content can prioritize the ability to find and filter the right information according to the needs needed on search engines on the internet.
Upaya Literasi Digital
1. Perpusnas
Literacy programs have become part of library service programs in various regions in Indonesia. Various technological advances have made digital information resources more abundant.
At present the government has contributed to efforts to increase digital literacy by launching various programs.
One of them is the existence of a program developed by the National Library of Indonesia (PNRI) together with the e-sources facility which is located at
Not only that, the National Library of Indonesia (PNRI) also provides digital facilities which of course contain various sources of information in the form of journals, e-books, multimedia, manuscripts, and others.
2. ePerpus
ePerpus is a digital library service with a B2B (Business to Business) design promoted by Kompas Gramedia. ePerpus offers digital library management for schools, companies, agencies, and communities
3. Gramedia Digital
Gramedia digital sat is an ebook application that consists of various digital readings such as the most complete collection of books, newspapers and magazines from well-known authors and publishers. This digital Gramedia can be accessed via smartphone easily and practically.
This digital literacy effort has a positive goal of advancing and increasing information literacy skills, especially for students who are accustomed to searching for information through search engines.
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