Creating Your Own Cloud Easily

Creating Your Own Cloud

Creating Your Own Cloud – Nowadays, many companies are using cloud technology. There are many benefits that can be obtained such as improving the workflow of a company, saving company expenses, and ensuring the business grows. Of course, with various things that are very beneficial in making your own cloud, cloud servers are very profitable.

Mostly, companies are more concerned with buying a cloud server that is more instantaneous, that is, by buying a cloud server and paying a number of costs that are considered from time, and also capacity.

However, nowadays if you want a cloud server that suits your needs and maybe a variety of cloud servers there that don’t have the features you want, the option to create your own cloud is a very profitable thing.

Creating Your Own Cloud Server

Creating your own cloud may seem very difficult. Actually making your own cloud is not that difficult, as long as you have a mindset that you really want to control the cloud server you have yourself.

By creating your own cloud, it may cost you a fortune because you adjust it to your needs.

However, if there is anything free in how to create your own cloud? Why don’t you just try it. The method is easy and very easy for those of you who may be early in the world of cloud computing.

Some Ways to Make Your Own Cloud

In creating your own cloud, you will get a lot of advantages by creating your own cloud. What are the benefits of creating your own cloud?

If you need more storage, you will likely be charged a fee. The price is not sure to suit all budgets and can change at any time.

In addition, by using their services, you are actually putting your data in the hands of companies that can use or alter your data without permission.

By creating your own cloud, you can have full inspection rights over the data, users, and information assets in your cloud storage.

With a full check, personal cloud storage including can be more secure because your cloud storage is only made specifically for you. You can configure the infrastructure and systems at will to achieve maximum security.

Not only that, creating your own cloud includes more efficient performance and better network performance because private clouds are deployed on existing firewalls against an organization’s intranet.

If you want to customize hardware or other resources, you can also easily do it together by creating your own cloud.

There are 2 ways to create your own cloud by making your own cloud using open source software, namely with NextCloud and also OwnCloud.


NextCloud is a client-server software suite for creating and deploying file hosting services. NextCloud is free and open source for sure, which means anyone is allowed to install and operate it on their own private server device.

NextCloud, which is a place to create your own cloud, can be installed on various Windows, OS X, and Linux computers. For mobile devices, Nextcloud can be used to create your own cloud on Android and iOS.


OwnCloud is a client-server software suite for creating and using file hosting services. OwnCloud is functionally similar to the widely used Dropbox.

The main functional difference between OwnCloud and Dropbox is that OwnCloud does not offer data center capacity to store stored files.

OwnCloud, which is a way to create your own cloud, can be installed on various Windows computers, macOS and for mobile devices, OwnCloud can be used to create your own cloud on Android and iOS.

Creating Your Own Cloud Using NextCloud

To create your own cloud using NextCloud, you can use NextCloud 13 on Ubuntu 18.04.

In creating your own cloud using NextCloud, you must have your own web server. The first thing you have to do is install a web server and PHP. For this tutorial to create your own cloud, it is recommended that you use Ubuntu 18.04 or higher because of using PHP7.

This tutorial to create your own cloud using NextCloud will also install Apache as a web server.

  •       Install Software

Open a terminal and enter the following command:

# apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0 bzip2

# apt-get install php7.0-gd php7.0-json php7.0-mysql php7.0-curl php7. 0-mbstring

# apt-get install php7.0-intl php7.0-mcrypt php-imagick php7.0-xml php7.0-zip

  •       Choosing a Database

Now that you have set up the environment, you just have to choose the database that will support the installation. For this tutorial, we will be using MariaDB / MySQL.

To install MariaDB / MySQL software

# apt-get install mariadb-server php-mysql

If you prefer to use MySQL

# apt-get install mysql-server php-mysql

During the installation system you will be asked to enter a root password. Enter a strong password.

Now you will be asked to enter the database and you will be asked to enter the password:

$ mysql -u root -p

After you log in, you just have to create a new database:


Then you have to create a user who will access to the database:


The last step is to grant privileges to the new user:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud. * TO ‘nc_user’ @ ‘localhost’;


Once you are done, all you have to do is click Ctrl-D and then exit.

  •       Install NextCloud

Download the software and extract it with this command:

# cd / var / www

# wget -O nextcloud-13-latest.tar.bz2

# tar -xvjf nextcloud-13-latest.tar.bz2

# chown -R www-data: www-data nextcloud

# rm nextcloud-13-latest.tar.bz2

Now, you need to create a new file in / etc / apache2 / sites -available / nextcloud.conf. You are free to use any editor and enter the following lines:

Alias ​​/ nextcloud “/ var / www / nextcloud /”

<Directory / var / www / nextcloud />

Options + FollowSymlinks

AllowOverride All

<IfModule mod_dav.c>

Dav off

</ IfModule >

SetEnv HOME / var / www / nextcloud

SetEnv HTTP_HOME / var / www / nextcloud


After that, all you have to do is activate the new website and activate the apache mods needed by NextCloud with the code below:

# a2ensite nextcloud

# a2enmod rewrite headers env dir mime

# systemctl restart apache2

Once you’ve finished defining the databases, it’s time to install everything. Enter the URL http: // your_ip_address / nextcloud and you will be immediately linked to the NextCloud login screen.

Select an administrator username and password, then you can specify a data folder. Then click “Storage & Database” to determine the database that you specify along the way 2.

Fill it completely and if you have followed all the methods correctly, then the File application will be like this which means Nextcloud is already installed:

Creating Your Own Cloud Using OwnCloud

In the tutorial to make the cloud itself using OwnCloud, will use Ubuntu 18.04 server.

What do I need to create my own cloud using OwnCloud? To create your own cloud include:

l SSH access toVPS

yourcan cause users to use sudo privileges to perform basic configuration and installation.

l LAMP Stack

OwnCloud requires a website server, database, and PHP to work well together. The LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) server settings have been able to meet this need.

l (Optional)SSL certificate

Youris also capable of providing an SSL certificate to the server, but this method is optional.

  • Download OwnCloud

We can use curl to get release-key and import use apt-key using the following command.

$ curl | sudo apt-key add –

Then add a file (for example: OwnCloud.list) in the folder. This file will contain the address for pointing apt into the OwnCloud repository.

$ echo ‘deb /’ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/OwnCloud.list

In order for the package to be able to install, it must first be updated and run the installation process. In this process, you can simultaneously run the installation process of several PHP modules that are needed during the installation and configuration of OwnCloud.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install php-bz2 php-curl php-gd php-imagick php-intl php-mbstring php-xml php-zip OwnCloud-files

The “OwnCloud-files” package will create a file called “OwnCloud” inside the folder / var / www / html /. This folder contains all the files needed for the installation process.

  • Customizing the Document Root

Note: You can forget about this method of creating your own cloud. However, during the installation configuration, the URL that you will access is https: // domain_or_ip_serverAnda / OwnCloud. If you follow this step, the URL that you will use will be your https: //

domain_ or_ip_server If you want to set the document root so that when the domain / IP is opened it will immediately generate OwnCloud, then follow the following method.

You can view the location of the Apache document root using apache2ctl and the DUMP_VHOST option.

$ sudo apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS | grep domain_or_ip_serverAnda

Then to edit and manage the configuration, you can run the following command.

$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/domain_or_ip_serverAnda.conf

In the document root, set up or add a configuration to point root to / var / www / OwnCloud, as such settings like this.

<VirtualHost *: 80>

. . .

DocumentRoot / var / www / OwnCloud

. . .


You can make sure there are no problems with the shared configuration by using the following command.

$ sudo apache2ctl configtest looks

Make sure the output like this:

If there are no problems, reload Apache to activate the new configuration.

$ sudo systemctl reload apache2

  • Create Database

How to install OwnCloud you need a database to store OwnCloud configuration. Some database information, such as username, password, and database name will be required when configuring OwnCloud through the web site.

Such information is required so that OwnCloud can communicate with the database server and manage information as well as its property. Here are the steps to install OwnCloud database to create your own cloud using the terminal.

First, enter into the database.

$ sudo mysql

Or unless you want a specific user to use the following command.

$ mysql -u root -p


Create a database that will be used to store various OwnCloud configurations. You can give any name as you wish. In this example we will name it OwnCloud.

$ mysql> CREATE DATABASE OwnCloud;

The next step to create your own cloud is to cause a separate MySQL user to manage the new database that was created. You can give the name as you wish. In our example, we will use the name OwnCloud here.

$ mysql> GRANT ALL ON OwnCloud. * to ‘OwnCloud’ @ ‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘OwnCloud_database_password’;

In order for MySQL to be aware of changing permissions, run the flush privileges command to make sure.


Then close the session using the command “exit”

$ mysql> exit.

  • Installation Configuration

The installation file and database are ready, so the way after that is to carry out the installation configuration. How to install OwnCloud uses a website display that you can access via yourdomain_ or_ip_server

$ https: //. The

display will be like this:

In the knowledge settings, leave anything there and you can immediately fill in the database configuration.

Enter the username, password, database name according to what was created earlier. For hosts leave “localhost”. Make sure everything is correct, then click “Finish Setup”.


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