Hello Neters! In this video, we will discuss how to make Mikrotik a Configuring VPN Concentrator.
However, you need to prepare Mikrotik which is already installed on Google Cloud first. Let’s look at the following discussion.
- First, go to the Google Cloud website at google.com. Go to console> navigation menu> PVC network> external IP address.
- Onaddress page external IP this, we will see our Mikrotik IP which was previously set in the Google cloud. However, this IP is still dynamic and we must change it to static first.
- The purpose of changing the IP to static is to make it easier for clients to keep using non-changing IP addresses such as dynamic IPs.
- How to change IP to static is quite easy, by pressing the button in the “type” column, select the static one. Fill in the name, for example, Mikrotik static IP, and the description is up to you.
- Then we move the menu to themenu Firewall, we can see in the port column we can only allow tcp ports 22, 23, 8291, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to add a new tunnel port for the VPN settings.
- The trick is to press the button on the column name “mikrotik access”> edit> protocol and port> Check UDP content with 1701> save.
- Then move to the Mikrotik application on your computer select IP> Firewall> NAT> “+”. Choose Chain = “arcnat”, Out interface = ether1.
- Then Tab Action, Action = Masquerade, Apply> Ok.
- PPP menu> Tab L2TP server> Check Enable> OK.
- Create IP Pool> “+”> Name = “Pool VPN”, address = – > OK.
- Return to PPP Menu> Profiles> Default> local address =, Remote Address = Pool VPN> Apply> OK.
- Create a User by using the PPP menu> Secrets> “+”> name = “VPN”, Password = “vpnvpnvpn”, Service = Any, Profile = Default> Apply> OK.
For Mikrotik settings it’s finished, we just have to wait for a device to connect to Mikrotik.
The next stage of setting up a VPN on a smartphone is as follows.
Menu Settings> More Connection> VPN> “+”
- Name = “VPN CHR”
- Type = L2TP
- Server = (according to Mikrotik Static IP)
Select VPN CHR
- User = vpn
- Password = vpnvpnvpn
- Connect
VPN is connected to our Mikrotik, to test it you can use the speedtest application which will show that the server has moved to Google Cloud Singapore.
This is the tutorial for configuring a VPN Concentrator with a proxy on Google Cloud which you can practice using your Mikrotik yourself.
Tutorial Configuring VPN Concentrator With Mikrotik on Google Cloud