Choose The Best Indonesian Cloud Service Providers

Penyedia Layanan Cloud Indonesia

Indonesian Cloud Service Providers – In today’s modern world, many companies are using cloud computing to support their business. However, previously conventional computers had become the main computer tool. Indeed, if you already use cloud computing, the main computer tool is still used even though not as the main computing tool.

Talking about cloud computing, we will discuss a little about Indonesian Cloud Service Providers. In Indonesia, there are several well-known cloud providers, one of which is AWS or Amazon Web Services. The advantages of using AWS are as follows.

  • Centralized Storage Media on the Server

Cloud Computing technology makes it easy for users to store information centrally on one server according to the facilities provided by Cloud Computing. In addition, from the infrastructure factor, users no longer have to provide it like an information center, a storage facility, which already exists virtually by Cloud Computing.

  • Data Security

In the application of Cloud Computing technology, Cloud Computing providers have provided information guarantees so that information is not easily corrupted or damaged, technology platforms, ISO guarantees. Of course, with Cloud Computing it can cause your information and info to be more secure than conventional methods used by most people today.

  • Cheaper and Durable

Cloud Computing does not need storage on an external hard disk because there is already a centralized storage facility on the server. Because all hardware or physical products have an era of use and after the era of subsequent use, generally some damage can occur and that is not optimal and errors often occur.

Those are some things you need to know about the Indonesian Cloud Service Providers Amazon Web Services.

If you interested, you can contact us directly here.


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