How Do You Buy an E Stamp And Use it?

E Stamp

Nowadays, there are many kinds of things that are related to technological advances. Including for letters of ratification, letters of agreement, now many are using electronic mail, but the problem is how to put the stamp on the digital letter? Therefore, e stamp duty is the right solution for the needs of digital mail stamps which are currently starting to increase in use.

This is indeed related to the pandemic situation 2 years ago, when various things related to sending letters and documents became a bit difficult, the idea occurred to send a letter of agreement to the parties concerned via electronic mail. However, the problem is in the stamp duty, therefore, the e stamp is created.

How do I buy e stamps and how do I use them? Let’s see the explanation below!

Document Explanation

First of all, we must know in advance what is meant by a document. In general, a document is a record or capture of an event or thing so that the information is not lost. Usually, a document is written, but documents can also be created with images and sound.

A document usually follows some convention based on similar or previous documents or certain requirements. Examples of documents are sales invoices, wills and deeds, newspaper issues, individual newspaper stories, oral history records, executive orders, and product specifications.

A document is a form of information. A document can be entered into electronic form and stored on a computer as one or more files. Often one document becomes one file. Entire documents or individual sections can be treated as individual data items. As files or data, documents can be part of a database. Electronic Document Management (EDM) is concerned with managing electronically stored documents.

Document type

Once you know what a document is, the document is also explained more broadly, the document can be further divided into several parts, namely if they are distinguished by type.

Types of documents can be divided into two, namely based on their function and also based on their physical form.

Types of Documents by Function

When viewed from the types of documents based on their function, you can distinguish them into two:

  • Dynamic documents: are documents that are used directly in the process of completing office work.
  • Static documents: are documents that are not directly used in the process of office work.

Types of Documents Based on Their Physical Form

Then, the next is based on its physical form. In physical form, documents can be divided into three, including:

  • Literary documents: These are documents that exist because they were written, printed, drawn, or recorded, and collected in libraries. Examples include books, magazines and films.
  • Corporal document: A document in the form of historical objects, usually collected in museums. Examples are statues, traditional clothes, statues, ancient money, kris.
  • Private documents: Documents in the form of letters or archives, stored using an archive system. For example, official letters, securities, commercial letters, letters of evidence and reports.

Agreement Letter

In the document, also included for business matters or other matters is the existence of a letter of agreement. You will often find this own agreement letter if you cooperate with other parties or other companies which above the letter contains an agreement where if violated there will be binding sanctions.

Understanding Letter of Agreement

An agreement letter, simply explained, is a letter used to document an agreement between two or more parties. This agreement is structured as if it were a letter, with separate paragraphs, a date line, and a place at the bottom for signature.

Functions of the Letter of Agreement

For its own function, a letter of agreement is an offer to take certain actions. It can be used to document that the parties agree to the sale and purchase of businesses, real estate, other goods, and services (such as employment contracts). It outlines what the parties agree will happen within a certain timeframe.

Type of Agreement

Based on the type, of course there are many agreement letters. Examples that are often found are:

  • Letter of sale and purchase agreement (land, house, car, goods)
  • Cooperation agreement letter or agreement agreement letter.
  • Debt agreement letter.
  • Work agreement.
  • Installment agreement.

Authentic Agreement

If examined more deeply, there is an agreement letter called an authentic agreement letter. This is a letter of agreement made and there are witnesses (witnessed by a notary).

Underhand Agreement

An underhand agreement is an agreement made under the hand, which is an agreement made by the parties who promise and without the intervention of an authorized public employee, and without a certain standard and only adapted to the needs of the parties.

Property Sale and Purchase Agreement

This one letter is a type of letter that will be issued if there is a property sale and purchase agreement to agree on a transaction. So that the sale and purchase agreement letter can be used as proof of the transaction or agreement of both parties.

Factors That Must Be in the Letter of Agreement

If you want to make a letter of agreement, there are several factors that must be in the agreement letter so that the agreement letter is valid and also looks very formal so as to minimize misunderstandings.

These factors include:
  • Personal Data of the Parties to the Agreement. Every agreement is of course carried out by the parties who are bound, including the cooperation agreement
  • Rights and Obligations of Each Party
  • Force Majeure Clause
  • Appointing the Place for Settlement of Cases
  • Transition Terms


Now go to the most important discussion, which is discussing e stamps. Before that, maybe you should know the basics, what is stamp duty, what is the function of stamp duty, and there is something called stamp duty, you must know that first before discussing about stamp duty.

Stamp Function

Based on its function, the material can be used for various things including:

  • Certificates, agreements, statements, and so on.
  • Notary deed with grosse, quote, or copy.
  • Deed of Land Deed Official with quotations along with quotations.
  • Securities with any name.

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty is a tax on documents owed from the time the document is signed by the interested parties.

Stamped documents can also be intended or submitted to other parties if such documents are only realized by one party.

In Article 3 of Law no. 10 of 2020 further explains that stamp duty is imposed on documents made as a means of explaining an incident of a civil nature or used as evidence in court.

Stamp Duty Object

It can be said that the stamp duty functions as an object of state treasury income originating from certain documents.

Then, is it concrete that the stamp duty is not an official document or not?

Such questions can be answered through Article 1320 of the Civil Code where according to this article there are four prerequisites for the validity of an agreement.

The conditions for such a thing are an agreement, the ability of the parties, the existence of an object of agreement, and a lawful cause. Even though someone wears a stamp duty but the document does not fulfill the four prerequisites, the document is considered unofficial.

So it is clear, so far the use of stamp duty is not an official tool or not, but as an object of state treasury income.

Stamp Duty Rate

Next is the rate of stamp duty. Of course, you never know if there used to be a stamp with a nominal value of 3000 rupiah and 6000 rupiah. What does that mean?

This type of stamp duty rate is based on the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance based on PP No. 24 of 2000 articles 2 and 3:

Nominal Stamp IDR 6,000

  • Letter of Agreement and other documents (power of attorney, grant letter, and statement letter) made to be used as a means of proof regarding actions, facts or circumstances of a civil nature
  • Notary deed including a copy
  • The deed made by the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) including its duplicates
  • Letter containing the amount of money (receipt of money, bookkeeping, notification of account balance at the Bank, notification of payment of debt) with a nominal value of more than Rp. 1000,000.00
  • Documents that will be used as evidence before the court
  • Check, Bilyet, Giro
  • Securities in any name and form with a nominal price of more than Rp. 1. 000,000.00
  • A group of securities with the name and in any form stated in the collective letter which has a nominal price of more than Rp. 1,000,000.00

Nominal Stamp IDR 3,000

  • Letter containing the amount of money more than Rp. 250,000.00 up to Rp. 1000,000.00
  • Notes, promissory notes and acceptances with a nominal value of more than Rp. 250,000.00 to Rp. 1,000,000.00
  • Check, bilyet, giro
  • Securities in any name and in any form with a nominal value of more than Rp. 1,000,000.00
  • In short, the 6000 stamp is used for documents whose value is more than Rp. 1,000,000 such as letters of agreement, land deeds, notarial deeds and various other types of documents.
  • Meanwhile, for documents whose value is in the range of more than Rp. 250,000 and less than Rp. 1,000,000, they will use a 3000 stamp duty. For documents whose value is less than Rp. 250,000 will not be subject to a stamp duty.

Electronic Stamp (E-Stamp)

The Ministry of Finance has released electronic materials as a form of digital transformation. Electronic stamp duty is a seal in the form of a label whose application is carried out by the method of being affixed to the document through a certain method. Such matters refer to PP No. 86 of 2021. The value of such an electronic stamp is Rp. 10,000. The system using electronic stamps is also safe and easy.

Documents That Can Use E Stamp

For documents that can be applied for e stamps are as follows:

  1. Letter of agreement, statement letter, statement letter, or other similar letter, along with copies thereof;
  2. Notary deed along with grosse, copies, and quotations thereof;
    the Deed of the Land Deed Officer along with a copy and quotation thereof;
  3. Securities in any name and in any form;
  4. Securities transaction documents, including futures contract transaction documents, with any name and in any form;
  5. Auction documents in the form of quotations from auction minutes, minutes of auction minutes, copies of auction minutes, and grosse minutes of auction;
  6. Documents stating the amount of money with a nominal value of more than Rp. 5,000,000 (five million Rupiah) stating the receipt of money, or containing an acknowledgment that the debt has been fully or partially paid off/calculated;
  7. Other documents stipulated by Government Regulation.

The difference between E Stamp and Paste Stamp

If we refer to PP 86/2021, the electronic seal or e-seal is a stamp in the form of a label whose application is carried out by affixing it to the document in a certain way. Although a sticky stamp is a seal in the form of a strip whose application is carried out by affixing it to a document.

How to Use E Stamp

How to use e-material? Actually the method is quite easy, namely:

  1. First, go to the page
  2. After that click the menu “BUY E-METERAI”
  3. After logging in, you will be faced with two menu options, Purchase and Affix
  4. Now select the Affixing stage
  5. Enter detailed document information such as date, document number, and document type
    Upload documents in PDF format
  6. Position the seal in accordance with applicable regulations
  7. Click ‘Apply the Seal’, then ‘Yes’
  8. Then, a menu appears enter PIN
  9. Fill in the registered PIN, the affixing process is complete
  10. You can directly download PDF files from documents that have been affixed with an electronic seal or send them to a registered email.

How to Buy E Stamp

Then, do you have to use the e-material right away? Is it possible to just buy it first? Of course, I can! The trick is:

  1. First of all, open the page and click the ‘Buy e-Meterai’ menu
  2. Login by entering your email name and password. If it’s the first time, click ‘Register here’
  3. Please select the type of account owner and continue with uploading your ID card
  4. Fill in the available and required personal data
  5. Fill in the OTP code that will be sent in the form of an SMS to your number for the verification stage
  6. Finally, after data validation is complete, the purchase of e-seal can be made according to the wishes and needs.



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