How to Optimize Online Collaboration During WFH

Cara Mengoptimalkan Kolaborasi Daring

Optimize Online Collaboration During – During the current pandemic, many companies or offices make policies for WFH (Work From Home) or work from home. This is indeed a very natural thing for office workers, even now there are still those who work from home because it is already comfortable or the policy of the company. However, there is a problem that is in the spotlight, is how to optimize online collaboration during WFH.

Indeed, there are jobs that can be done independently, but in general employees need collaboration to stay active in doing their jobs.

Although many have applied online collaboration tools, not necessarily companies have made full use of them. So, how to optimize it?

WFH Brief Explanation

Optimize Online Collaboration During – WFH is indeed a trend for now because you can work anywhere and anytime without having to go to the office. What does WFH actually mean?

WFH stands for “Work From Home” which describes work done remotely, not in the office. The abbreviation “WFH” was used as a nickname for the concept.

Many organizations are shifting their employees from the office to WFH during the global Coronavirus pandemic.

Distance Learning (Remote Learning)

Optimize Online Collaboration During – Distance learning or remote learning is something that must be turned off and empowered by an area based on needs; however, the efficiency of the transition to distance learning depends on the readiness, technological tools, or the overall supporting infrastructure of students.

This is different from virtual schools or virtual learning programs which usually have gone through the official process of establishing a school, adopting an online curriculum, and creating a special structure to support students enrolled in the school.

Remote learning in the world of work is more intense, there are several ways for remote learning to optimize collaboration during WFH.

Take advantage of Periodic Meetings for Strategic Needs

Conducting regular meetings or meetings can find various bright ideas on how to exchange opinions between audiences. However, this does not mean having to add to the schedule for regular meetings.

If this is possible, incorporate a strategic/creative discussion agenda into an existing scheduled virtual meeting schedule. Alternatively, you can decide on a special meeting schedule once a month for strategic and creative discussions.

Document Sharing

Although document sharing is not supposed to be done in real time (synchronous), there is also collaboration that can be carried out asynchronously (not at the same time). When your team doesn’t need to work on synchronous communication for collaboration, collaborate by sharing documents.

Various online applications and online storage services allow company employees to share documents and are equipped with change tracking features.

Working Side by Side Virtually

In the office, you can work side by side, but for a virtual one like this, of course this is very rare to happen due to optional working hours for most companies.

Working side by side is virtually possible with video conferencing applications. Employees can start a video conferencing session, then work on tasks that should be done together.

Optimize Instant Messaging

Instant messages can be another communication tool for more targeted collaboration with colleagues. Compared to telephone and video conferencing, instant messaging is less demanding of attention. In addition, instant messaging is easier to use while doing other tasks.

Instant messaging is also essentially an asynchronous tool and you don’t have to reply to messages right away. Of course, not every problem can be solved via instant messages. In this case, the team could turn to phone or video conferencing.

Reliable Solution

Things like those mentioned above will certainly be useless if you don’t use collaboration solutions during WFH. Choose a collaboration solution such as a cloud system that allows you to work collaboratively in real time.

Online Collaboration During WFH

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, at most 5% of Indonesians worked from home for more than three days per week, while it is estimated that, in April 2020, as many as 37% of Indonesians work from home (WFH) full-time. Thus, in a matter of weeks, the pandemic caused around a third of Indonesian workers to switch to WFH and almost every Indonesian who can work from home does so.

However, does WFH have a downside? Of course there is, not everyone is familiar with WFH at first because employees usually interact with other workers directly related to work. But at WFH like this, of course, you have to find a way to collaborate online during WFH.

5 Types of Collaboration Tools That Will Increase Productivity

To be able to increase productivity during WFH, there are 5 types of collaboration tools that will increase your productivity during WFH, including:

1. Project Management Tools Will Make Sure All Work Runs As It Should

For example, in a situation at your job planning a project such as creating a website page, chances are that you get a big project that requires many people to carry out their respective tasks. Luckily, there are project management tools to help you manage everything effectively.

2. Video Conferencing Build Relationships

Video conferencing can help to build relationships between employees or between clients. For example, a software development firm has some sizable projects to cover, but team members are in three different offices across the country.

Instead of creating a long chain of emails or starting a conference call, both of which are easy to overlook, teams can come together in a virtual room. Namely, observing your colleagues face-to-face increases engagement and productivity.

3. Office Chat Gets Everything

Sometimes, simply asking a quick question and getting an answer right away is very helpful. With instant messaging help tools built for your office, which means anyone can step in and quickly solve work-related dilemmas.

4. Real-time Document Revision Reduces Procrastination

This is a very important situation for the continuity of the work and related to the customer. For example, an advertising agency is working on a large project that involves a lot of brainstorming, editing, and revision. Saving the project online and running it together means they can view each person’s profession, track suggested changes, and work with instant feedback.

5. Cloud Storage With Version Control Keeping Everything In Order

Storing a project or document in the cloud is the easiest way to know everyone who needs it has access to it at any time, from anywhere. The advantage is real-time collaboration, but it also means everyone can go online in an instant, find a specific version, and save a copy if needed, before adding feedback.

Key Points to Online Processing During WFH

Netdata friends need to pay attention, building a comfortable and organized work environment during WFH is very important. This means that it is each individual’s responsibility to be able to run the online process during WFH as well as possible.

There are several main things that must be done in the online process during WFH, including:


As an employee working from home, the most important thing you need to succeed in a remote work position is a strong internet connection. This will allow you to get your work done, collaborate with colleagues and stay in touch with clients and customers. Without a good internet signal, this can lead to sluggish video calls, long download times, and communication problems.

Visual Display

Media or visual work aids are generally capable of attracting the attention of employees. Visual media also helps keep workers’ concentration on the job that has to be done. The role of visual media is increasingly important when learning is carried out online or remotely as it is today.

And just like other job media, visual media can be created by employees themselves or related to providing work. These media, for example, are easy to create and apply in remote digital work.

Learning Atmosphere

A supportive atmosphere is the most important thing. You can plan to create your own working space at home. With a comfortable appearance, you can have more freedom in thinking or brain storming to solve any problems or existing work.


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