Electricity Meter for Your Home Needs

Electricity Meter

Electricity Meter – Currently, paying for home electricity is no longer complicated because most electricity meters now use a token system that is certain. However, now there is convenience on how to pay home electricity bills with the token method or the old model by paying it easily, namely online.

Yes, NetData has a new product, namely being able to pay for electricity for your home needs with various very profitable offers!

Electricity Meter is

An electricity meter, or energy meter, is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy consumed by buildings, tenant spaces, or electrically powered equipment.

Electrical utilities use these tools installed at customer premises to measure electrical energy delivered to their customers for billing purposes. They are usually calibrated in billing units, the most common being kilowatt hours [kWh]. They are usually read once each billing period.

Electric Meter Function

There are several main electricity meter functions that you need to know, including:

  • Calculates how much electric power is applied in a certain period.
  • Become a limiter of electrical power applied by the customer based on the installation contract.
  • Being a switch to cut off electricity, which could be caused by the customer being detected using usage outside the normal limit, the occurrence of a short circuit or when a power line correction is about to be carried out so that the current should be turned off.
  • Converts the analog signal from the electricity token you propose via the rubber keypad to digital numbers that are displayed on the screen.
  • Detects electricity pulse savings in real-time so that if it is used up and you have not recharged, the electricity will be cut off automatically.

Electricity Meter Price

As we know, if the price for this electricity meter in Indonesia is managed by PLN.

The new installation service products provided by PLN currently include prepaid electricity and postpaid electricity. The details of the new connection rates are in accordance with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 27 of 2017. This regulation has not been revised, so it is still valid today.

The price for each power is indeed different for each power you use for your home.

For the cost, you can contact NetData directly, you will definitely get a cheaper price.

Check Electricity Meter

Now, there is an easier way to check the electricity meter, namely online. So, you can get information about electricity meter checks anywhere and anytime.

There are two ways, namely by using the website and the PLN Mobile application.

  1. Open a browser and go to the service address.pln.co.id.
  2. Login first. If you have never logged in before, you are required to register an account.
  3. For registration, first select “Register Account”. Fill in the applicant’s name, e-mail, customer ID/No. meter, mobile number, password, confirm password and chapta code. Then check the terms and conditions approval. Click list.
  4. After successful registration, open this link or select the “More Info” menu in the upper right corner.
  5. Finally, select Electricity Billing/Token Purchase Info.

Then, you can also check the electricity meter using the PLN Mobile application.

  1. Download and install the PLN Mobile application on the Play Store.
  2. Select the News menu on the menu tab.
  3. Select the News Bills and Electricity Token menu.
  4. Proposed customer ID or meter number.
  5. Click Search.

Electricity Meter Number

For users of postpaid electricity or PLN token electricity (prepaid electricity) they must be really familiar with PLN’s customer ID. The reason is, this number is used to identify the electricity bill that must be paid every month or the number of tokens remaining.

So, how to find out the electricity meter number? it turned out to be quite easy.

Look at PLN Receipts

The electricity customer ID is on the receipt when you pay.

By Looking at the PLN Meter

Check the barcode in the meter. Usually under the barcode, 11 to 12 digit numbers are listed which are PLN customer IDs.

PLN Official Website

The first way to know PLN online customer ID can be through PLN’s legal website at https://portal.pln.co.id/

From e-Commerce Payment Receipt

Electricity payment receipt attached online via personal e-mail. On the receipt, your electric ID number is listed.

Access Through the PLN Application

One more system to recognize PLN customer ID online can be done through the PLN application.

Electricity Meter Code

The electricity meter has a button that can be used for various functions such as restarting or knowing the electric voltage. Every brand of electricity meter, especially for prepaid, has an electricity meter code.

ITRON brand

  • 00 Enter: Restart/restart the meter. Use it when an error occurs
  • 03 Enter: Knowing the total kWH of electricity that has been used
  • 07 Enter: Knowing the kWH batas limit
  • 09 Enter: Knowing the power that has been used
  • 41 Enter: Knowing the mains voltage
  • 44 Enter: Displays current amperage
  • 47 Enter: Displays power in use
  • 54 Enter: Displays the last electricity token code entered
  • 59 Enter: Knowing the number of kWH last charge
  • 69 Enter: Knowing the number of times the power goes out
  • 75 Enter: Knowing the number of times the power goes out
  • 79 Enter: Checks the alarm threshold
  • 456xx Enter: Change the alarm threshold. Example: 45605 for 5kWH
  • 78 Enter: Checks the alarm delay in minutes
  • 123xx Enter: Changes the alarm delay. Example: 12315 for 15 minutes
  • 90 Enter: Mematikan lampu indikator LED

HEXING brand

  • 800 Accept: Restart meter/reset MCB. Use it if an error occurs
  • 851 Accept: Knowing the total kWH of electricity that has been used
  • 807 Accept: Knowing the mains voltage
  • 808 Accept: Knows the amount of amperage being used
  • 814 Accept: Knowing the power being used
  • 852 Accept: Displays the last electricity token code entered
  • 817 Accept: Knowing the number of kWH of the last charge
  • 809 Accept: Knowing the number of times the power goes out
  • 804 Accept: Knowing the number of times the power goes out
  • 812 Accept: Turns off the kWH batas limit alarm
  • 801 Accept: Checks the remaining kWH
  • 815 Accept: Displays the date of the last charge

Conlog brand

  • #1#: Knowing the average power used
  • #2#: Displays the number of kWH last used
  • #6#: Displays the last entered number of kWH
  • #11#: Checking the last token code


  • 37 Enter: Checks the remaining kWH
  • 38 Enter: Knowing the total kWH of electricity that has been used
  • 41 Enter: Displays the mains voltage
  • 47 Enter: Displays power in use
  • 54 Enter: Displays the last electricity token code entered
  • 59 Enter: Checks the number of kWH last charge
  • 75 Enter: Checking Prepaid PLN meter ID
  • 79 Enter: Checks the alarm threshold

MCB Brand Star

  • 07 Enter: Checks the remaining kWH
  • 12 Enter: Checks the minimum alarm limit
  • 37 Enter: Checks the alarm delay in minutes
  • 65 Enter: Checking Prepaid PLN meter ID
  • 76 Enter: Displays the last entered number of kWH

Buy Electric Meter

If you want to buy an electricity meter, you can entrust it to NetData. NetData has a new product that is being able to pay for your home electricity online.

You can get electricity meter prices with guaranteed low prices and also with various other very profitable offers.


That’s the discussion about the electricity meter. There are also various advantages if you use the online method of paying your electricity bill, because it is proven to be easier and also at a cheaper price.


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