Selling Cisco Switch Indonesia

Jual Cisco Switch Indonesia

Selling Cisco Switch Indonesia – Today’s modern life is all fast and easy, including IT technology. Talking about IT, one of the topics that we will discuss in this article is about vlan configuration on Cisco switches.

What is Vlan? Vlan is a type of network that is not limited to a physical area such as a LAN. This means a network that can be configured virtually without having to have a physical device. The use of VLANs can make network settings more flexible because it can create a segment that depends on the organization, without depending on the workstations area.

Use of VLANs

  • Minimizes the possibility of too many IP conflicts.
  • Prevents collision domains (domain collisions).
  • Reducing the level of vulnerabilities.

How VLANs Work

Vlan is divided into several types or methods that are used either using a port, MAC address, and so on. All information containing the addressing or tagging tagging is stored in the database except the tagging based on the port used, the database must indicate the ports used by the VLAN.

The switch configuration must be set in such a way. This switch or bridge is responsible for storing all data and configuration according to the VLAN and it must be ensured that all switches have the same data.

There is also the term Vlan Cross Connect (CC) which is a mechanism used to cause Switched VLANs, CC VLANs use IEEE 802.1ad frames where S tags are used as labels as in MPLS. The IEEE approved the use of such a mechanism in nominal 6.11 derived from IEEE 802.1ad-2005.

In other words, this VLAN makes it easier to control network traffic patterns and is fast in relocating. VLANs also provide the flexibility to adapt to changing networks and use a simple administrative UI interface.

Weaknesses of VLANs

  • Logically not like a network but physically a network
  • When a broadcast becomes available the entire broadcast is sent to all
  • when there are a large number of hosts the DHCP operation can be messy and unpredictable.

Types of VLANs

  • Based on the port VLAN membership can be based on the port used by the switch. each VLAN member must be configured one by one for each port. whether port as port tags or untags
  • Based on the MAC address VLAN membership can be based on the MAC address of each computer owned by the user
  • Based on the subnet IP address, the subnet IP address on a certain one should not be used to clarify a VLAN. This configuration does not intertwine with routing on the network nor does it matter how the router functions. IP addresses are used to map VLAN membership

Type Vlan Type On Switch

  1. The default Vlan is the first Vlan you get since the switch is first turned on, before when it is configured all the available ports on the switch can be integrated into the default Vlan and to access on each port. For Cisco switches, the default vlan is marked with the name Vlan 1.
  2. Data VLAN is a vlan that only manages information traffic on the VLAN
  3. A native VLAN is a vlan that is returned to a port if it is not trunked and untagged
  4. Voice VLAN is a vlan that supports VoIP and is specifically for communication of tone information on VLANs
  5. Management VLAN is a VLAN that is configured for a management switch

Work Steps

first open the Cisco packet tracer then set up the switch and the PC, neatly arrange it after that, connect the computer to the switch with a straight cable, for the pc0 cable to the switch I use a console cable, because pc0 will be used to configure the switch, see the picture above.

after that I will set up the ip address for each pc, how to click the computer image 2 times then click desktop> ip configuration

I use the ip address ​​to

after that we type “enable” to enter user mode.

then type conf t

Now I will configure the vlan, first name the vlan first, I will trigger 5 vlan, namely teacher vlan (5pc), student (5pc), TU (5pc), canteen (4pc), and sercurity (3pc)

next, I will configure which ports will enter vlan 10, vlan 20, vilan 30 and so on, so that you better understand the image review below.

After that we saw the configuration first, worried that the wrong way would be available to type “do show vlan brief”.

If the configuration is according to your wishes then the configuration is complete, after that we check the connection first.

we try PC5 chips to Pc1 how to click the PC5 image 2 times the desktop> command prompt.

we see the results, it can

we try again, now PC5 will split into PC6, how to click the PC5 image 2 times the desktop> command prompt.cpt5

we saw the results, we couldn’t, now we are able to draw conclusions.


why did we hack from PC5 to PC1 succeeded? But from PC5 to PC6 it didn’t work ?, the answer is when we triggered the vlan and entered the port to vlan / group, only computers that are se vlan (one vlan) are able to communicate or able to share resources.

Why do we have to use VLANs?

If in a large number on one network it will be interrupted (easily hacked)

Security is good because it is physically one network but the logic is different

Need problems

The router is slower than the switch

With VLAN broadcast it will be limited

To distinguish one VLAN from another VLAN by using ID

For example ports 1-5 enter VLAN1

VLAN with the form Number Number

Example VLAN10 -> Sales

That’s how to configure Vlan on a Cisco switch. But for those of you who don’t want to bother configuring the VLAn, you can use IT services from well-known IT companies such as NetData. NetData is an IT company that provides solutions for companies in Indonesia so that they can continue to grow with the help of the latest technology. NetData also sells Cisco switches Jakarta with a variety of original products that are guaranteed to be trusted.

If you interested, you can contact us directly here.


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