What are the benefits of SD-WAN and its relation toNetwork Security?

Manfaat dari SD-WAN (Benefit of SD-WAN)

Since yesterday Mimin has often discussed SD-WAN, what is SD-WAN (read more here), the history of SD-WAN, brands that offer SD-WAN, benefits of SD-WAN etc. So this time Mimin wants to discuss the benefits or advantages offered SD-WAN. let’s!

  1. Improve Management and Monitoring

SD-WAN improves the management and monitoring of its devices using a central orchestrator or controller, management and monitoring are carried out in one dashboard

  1. Improve Network Security

In several brands, SD-WAN is offered in the form of appliance in the form of Next Gen Firewall, such as at Fortinet. Next Gen Firewall is capable of scanning traffic to the application layer so that it is more secure and supports IPsec VPN if a secure connection is needed from branch to head office

  1. The ability to prioritize critical traffic

SD-WAN has QoS and traffic steering features which are able to sort and prioritize critical traffic

  1. Cheaper prices

By using SD-WAN, we can still connect branches and head offices with secure and encrypted traffic without having to subscribe to a metro link to an ISP, simply by subscribing to broadband internet

  1. Increasingbusiness productivity

SD-WANwith multiple uplink capabilities and traffic steering makes network uptime more secure and traffic for certain applications can be directed to use certain ISPs, so traffic is more stable, indirectly increasing business productivity

So, those were some of the benefits and advantages of SD-WAN, hopefully it will be useful. For info on Managed SD-WAN, please contact us here yes.


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