RFC (Request For Comment): Explanation, Strengths, Status / Category

Request For Comment

Have you ever heard of the word RFC or request for comment? If you haven’t and want to know what RFC is, then you can read the following article to add insight. The following is a discussion about RFC, starting from understanding, to the advantages of using RFC.

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Quoted from Wikipedia that Request for Comment or abbreviated RFC is a numbered series of information documents and internet standards used in software on the network, the internet, and several operating systems such as Windows, Unix, and Novell NetWare.

This Request For Comment was created under the supervision of the ISOC or internet society and other technical standard setting bodies such as the internet engineering task force or the Internet Research Task Force.

Although not all RFCs are defined by Internet standards, all Internet and TCP/IP standards are published in the form of RFCs. RFCs typically offer a variety of historical, experimental, and general information only.

Before becoming an RFC document, it is usually considered an internet draft or a document that is usually developed by only one person in the IETF or IRTF working group.

For example, the IPv6 working group (IPv6 working group) specializes only in developing standards that can be used in IPv6, the protocol candidate to replace IPv4. After some time, the next document can be reviewed and the continuation needs to be accepted by consensus by the reviewers. And after being accepted, the IETF also publishes the final version of the Internet draft which then becomes an RFC and then gives an additional serial number to it, which is referred to as the RFC Number.

RFC Status/Category

There are several types of RFC categories as follows:


The first RFC category is an official standard document issued by IETF and IESG (steering group).


This category is although not an official IETF standard, guide or recommendation.


This information is a non-standard type of document that anyone (including the IETF) can recommend.


This type of document used to be the standard but has been disabled.

RFCs list

Following are the types of RFC lists you can know about:

RFC Subject
RFC 768 UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
RFC 791 Internet Protocol
RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol
RFC 2821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 826 Address resolution protocol
RFC 959 File Transfer Protocol
RFC 1035 DNS
RFC 1450 Trivial File Transfer Protocol
RFC 1661 Point-toPoint Protocol
RFC 1738 Uniform Resource Locator
RFC 1905 Simple Network Management Protocol
RFC 2663 Network address translation
RFC 2821 Simple Mail transfer protocol
RFC 3010 Network File System
RFC 2822 e-mail format
RFC 2401 Security architecture

Packet Switching

Packet switching is a communication network that was previously used for voice communication such as telephone. With data communication technology circuit switching began to transmit not only voice but also data. With a voice connection it works well because it is used by one party like two people who are communicating by phone.

However, the time used for data connections will be wasted, for example, there will be a lot of connections from one host to the server while it is idle. So that circuit switching is not effective enough to be applied to data communications.

Packet switching is a type of data communication technique that occurs in WAN networks where data is sent in the form of data packets and if there is data that exceeds the transmission capacity it will be cut into small packet lines. Each data packet will be sent with user data and control info. This control info itself is an info on the data packet and contains the destination address where this packet can be transferred via the network to the destination.

Advantages of RFCs

The following are some of the advantages of using RFC:

Greater efficiency path

  • Dynamically split packets over time from node to node.
  • The package will be sent as soon as possible.
  • Before using time-division multiplexing, the node-to-node link time will be allocated first.

Data rate conversion

Each terminal connected to the local node transmits the appropriate data rate.

Tone buffer nodes are needed to support the rate.

There are two terminals that have different data rates by exchanging data.

Packages can be received even when it is busy

Delivery or transmission of packages can be delayed.

Priority Scale can be used

The packets that are transmitted first are assigned the higher priority.

Has a packet transmission delay that is minimal than lower-priority packets.

Switching Technique

The terminal breaks up long messages in the form of data packets.

Packets are transmitted directly to the network.

Packages will be packaged in 2 ways:

Datagram is a data packet that contains the address of the intended terminal or computer and is free/separate from other packages related to similar transactions.

Virtual Circuits

  • The route has been planned beforehand, before the packets are sent.
  • A connection is established between solicitation and acceptance.
  • Each packet carries a virtual circuit identification as the destination address.
  • Each packet can track its own path.

Circuit Switching

Circuit switching is a public telephone network that is the basis of a private network built on leased lines using on-site circuit switching.

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