Telp. +6221-2127-9760 | Mobile. +62811-2017-588
Telp. +6221-2127-9760 | WhatsApp. +62811-2017-588
Face temperature recognition, Body temperature camera
We offer Managed-SD-WAN IT Infrastructure and Managed Service
Maintenance with 2 types of SLA : 8x5xNBD and 24x7x4
We support hybrid work in this new normal
We help manage resources, time, money & scope optimally
Get more visibility. Monitor your devices in one dashboard
We offer integrated technology bundles to solve your problems and provide more value
Optimize and modernize your existing IT. You can access from anywhere
Prevent unauthorized network interference
Easily migrate your data center using proven methodologies, including IT assessment through IT logistics
Your only network solution partner who will help and present you digitally in Indonesia
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