Third Party Maintenance by Netdata

Maximize ROI from IT budget. We can help maintain your device until you get the most out of it.

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NetData provides a comprehensive maintenance solution for your company assets, by performing preventive maintenance to prevent system failures. As well as performing maintenance repairs when there is a problem with the device so that the device can function properly again. With adequate maintenance, it is hoped that it can extend the life cycle of the devices used.

Third Party Maintenance


  • Third Party Maintenance Maximize ROI from IT budget. We can help maintain your device until you get the most out of it.
  • Extend the life of the device used according to the budget you have.
  • When faced with a limited budget, it is very important for IT organizations to be able to use the device for as long as possible, sometimes well beyond the life of the device.

In general, here is the warranty & after-warranty support of the lifetime of most IT hardware, from an OEM and TPM perspective.

1. Full OEM support (0 – 3 Years)

Purchase of a new device will get full warranty support from the OEM.

2. Support by OEM & TPM (3 – 6 Years)

In the fifth year, OEMs usually start to provide notifications regarding the termination of support for the IT device.
Support from TPM is available for many brands of server, storage, and network devices.

3. TPM Support or Limited Support by OEM (6 – 9 Years)

OEM support for devices is starting to be completely phased out.
Support from TPM will continue to be available for many brands of server, storage, and network devices.

4. Full support from TPM (9 – 12 Years)

The device is no longer getting support from OEMs at all.
Support from TPM will continue to be available for many brands of server, storage, and network devices.

In more detail, here is a comparison overview as a guide around what types of technology can be supported by OEM and TPM.

For critical enterprise areas that feature high-end computing, such as Collaboration, Security, Application Foundations, and Data and Analytics, OEM support is the best choice.
For areas that are not too critical, then support from TPM can be a more economical option that makes more sense.

Netdata Maintenance Service (NetCare)

We offer 2 levels of support; Standard and Premium. Standard means support is provided during business hours only. While Premium means full support is provided 24 hours a day, including holidays and holidays.

  • 15 minutes maximum response time.
  • Supported by expert and certified engineers.
  • Support unit backup in the form of the same or equivalent device
  • When the main device is damaged.

Advance Hardware Replacement (AHR)

Replacement units as a way to extend device functionality Ensuring the network works well and consistently

Netdata Support. The Netdata team is always ready to help 24/7 for 365 days to ensure the system runs well, including:

  • Phone support or via remote
  • Optional support such as onsite service
  • Support via Helpdesk and Hotline Service 24/7
  • Monitoring system and data analysis

Apakah memungkinkan untuk saya menggunakan jasa satu provider saja?

Ya, tentu saja. Netdata memberikan dukungan untuk berbagai macam layanan.

Apakah Netdata mendukung layanan berbasis langganan seperti AV, IPS, Firewall push update?

Tidak. Kami lebih merekomendasikan kepada anda untuk menggunakan platform baru atau langganan yang masih didukung oleh Principal.

Apa strategi terbaik bagi Anda untuk mendukung perangkat tepi dan inti saya?

Tidak, belum tentu. Misalnya, perangakt Switch tidak lagi mendapatkan pembaruan perangkat lunak dan sempurna untuk dukungan independen.

Mengapa saya harus menggunakan dukungan Netdata, jika seluruh jaringan yang saya gunakan tergolong kritikal dan saya hanya percaya pada dukungan perawatan Principal?

Karena nilai Netdata terletak pada penggantian perangkat keras Anda. Suku cadang yang kami berikan telah teruji kualitasnya dan memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang lebih rendah daripada yang dibuktikan oleh pabrikan.

Apa jenis perangkat keras terbaik yang menggunakan dukungan TPM?

Perangkat keras dengan status masa hidup yang sudah tidak lagi mendapatkan dukungan. Netdata dapat membantu memperpanjang masa siklus hidup pada perangkat keras ini.

Apa saja yang kurang didukung oleh TPM?

Perangkat yang memiliki perangkat lunak berbasis langganan, dan harus selalu update, seperti AV, IPS, Firewall

Apakah TPM juga mendukung teknologi/ perangkat baru?

Ya. Kami akan selalu merekomendasikan platform baru atau langganan tetap pada dukungan Principal/ OEM.

Kenapa saya harus menggunakan TPM?

Karena kami memberikan solusi sebagai layanan satu atap untuk memelihara perangkat Anda tanpa perlu repot dan dapat membantu memperpanjang siklus hidup perangkat keras ini.

Netdata helps companies identify their goals, to deliver value creation in data-driven technologies. We use a standardization framework to provide services and solutions.