Our Third Party Maintenance

Consists of qualified experts who specialize in IT Maintenance for Third Party Servers, Storage & Network Third Party Maintenance.

Maybe you have experienced unpleasant things in the form of damage to maybe a motorbike or electronic item that you have. And maybe you are without thinking right away looking for someone who can justify your damaged property. This person is also usually not a related party or a third party.

What is a third party? the meaning of a third party is someone else who does not participate, if the word is in the agreement.

So, for example, if you have a router with the Cisco brand, then the router is damaged, of course if it is damaged, the service center is Cisco’s service center because that person is related to that brand.

Third parties are people who are not associated with the brand and do not know who owns the goods.

Third Party Maintenance in the Computer World

In the world of computers, there is definitely such a thing as a third party maintenance service. Because if you are directly with the related parties, sometimes there are convoluted things that you will get. Meanwhile, you need fast time.

Actually, what is maintenance? The meaning of maintenance is maintenance. So, maintenance can be said to be steps taken before there is damage or checking for damage earlier before anything more serious happens. Usually, various large companies hire maintenance services for their various needs, including network, server, and storage.

Choosing Third Party Maintenance From Netdata

Netdata is a very competent maintenance service with various advantages. Netdata consists of highly qualified experts specializing in IT maintenance for servers, storage and networks.


Maintenance Computer network maintenance is to maintain and maintain a computer network regularly needed.In network maintenance, there is something related to the hardware in the computer network such as server computers, client computers, HUB / Switches, routers, network cables, and also other connectors.

Netdata understands very well about network maintenance. All things related to various aspects of the network will be maintained and cared for so that the network that has been installed is really functioning properly.

Server Maintenance Server

maintenance is the process of updating and running server software so that computer networks can operate smoothly and avoid downtime or data loss.

Regular maintenance will keep the server running as expected and will help avoid total or partial network failure.

Netdata knows very well about server maintenance. Everything related to the server will always be maintained so that later there is no such thing as being slow in sending data from the server to the client.

Storage Maintenance

Although there are different definitions, storage maintenance in the third party maintenance industry refers to the maintenance and repair services provided for storage hardware. This includes diagnosis and replacement of storage components such as controllers, hard drives, and solid-state drives (SSDs).

Storage hardware maintenance refers to the services provided for storage hardware and mostly covers contract maintenance, installation, technical consulting services and hourly parts.

These services often include resources such as help desks, advanced engineering, field engineers, and on-site technical resources.

Netdata will provide professional services at low prices guaranteed with satisfactory results.


Maintenance and Support to Provide flexible full coverage, tailored to your network needs

Servers Server

maintenance solutions that range from complex legacy servers to industry standard (x86) servers.


support break / fix that is comprehensive, covering most of the hardware platforms from leading manufacturers.