Cisco 800 Series Routers
Do you have limited space, but need best-in-class routing, voice and video, security, application performance, cloud connection, and wireless capabilities? Cisco 800 Series routers offer all of this on one device. They are perfect for both customer premises and pricing for small and medium businesses.

Small Yet Powerful Business Class Cisco 800 Series Routers
Do you have limited space, but need best-in-class routing, voice and video, security, application performance, cloud connection, and wireless capabilities? Cisco 800 Series routers offer all of this on one device. They are perfect for both customer premises and pricing for small and medium businesses.
Various WAN connectivity
Allows a variety of WAN connections, including xDSL, Ethernet, 3G / 4G LTE, and fiber. This series offers various levels of performance to meet your needs.
Full service branch platform
Get voice, video, wireless, and data in one integrated router and switch. This desktop form factor is priced at an affordable price for small and medium sized businesses.
Enterprise-class security
Encryption, VPN, firewall, and URL filtering are all in it. These security features help you protect your customer experience and data.
Simplified management
Easily manage the 800 Series with your on-site drag-and-click interface or with third-party web-based applications.
890 Series
- Siap untuk Cisco Intelligent WAN
- Switch dan router dalam satu perangkat
- Jalankan beberapa aplikasi secara bersamaan
- Kinerja tinggi, pengalaman aplikasi tinggi
- Dukungan untuk 802.11a / b / g / n dan 4G LTE Seri 880
880 Series
- Konektivitas hingga 20 pengguna
- WAN redundansi dengan opsi 3G dan 4G
- Sangat baik untuk dukungan suara PBX dan IP telephony
- Opsi keamanan dan nirkabel yang ditingkatkan
860 Series
- Konektivitas untuk hingga 10 pengguna
- Faktor bentuk desktop dan desain tanpa kipas
- Konektivitas WAN dengan VADSL atau Ethernet
- Wi-Fi untuk WAN atau Wi-Fi terintegrasi di rumah
810 Series
- Hardened and nonhardened form factors
- Ringan, compact, dan konsumsi daya yang rendah
- Opsi dual-SIM untuk konektivitas selalu aktif
- Untuk kasus penggunaan mesin-ke-mesin
800M Series
- Keamanan terintegrasi dan layanan aplikasi
- Pilihan layanan dan penyedia WAN nirkabel
- Ketersediaan tinggi multihoming dan port WAN ganda
- Kemampuan hosting aplikasi